All of us here at made590 have been so sad about the terrible news from the Japan Earthquake & Tsunami. It is so devastating to see the mass destruction and thousands dead, and our hearts go out to all those who have lost so much. As you probably know made590 are big supporters of japanese contemporary design of all sorts, Christina travels to Japan once a year and we always use japanese fabric featured in our clothing and homewares and sell beautiful Japan products in our store.
You may remember a while ago we had an amazing Tokyo Guide Zine by Hello Sandwich. Ebony has been living in Tokyo so Japan is extremely close to her heart and she is selling a PDF version of her amazing Gift Wrapping Zine for $5 with all profits going to Japan. That is one creative way that you can help and ask you please to help spread the word. Otherwise you can also donate directly to Japan via the Australian Red Cross.
Here is also a collection of posters you can buy by designers around the world to support Japan.
Images above from designers around the world showing their support to Japan as featured here.