Did you know made590 is on instagram now? If you’ve never heard of instagram it’s a cute little photo-sharing app you can download to your phone and follow your favourite people on and it’s the current addiction of made590 staff. Think Facebook meets Pinterest meets Hipstagram. It’s also fun and free to use!

The made590 instagram page gives a little insight into the everyday goings-on in and around the shop, including new stock updates (handy when so much of it is SUPER limited edition and you want to get in quick!) and choosing new fabric colours!

Sneak peeks into printing of made590 clothing.

and even some daily outfits of the made590 shop girls.

We do hope you’ll follow us (search for “made590”), or if you have an account and want to look us up online, you can check out Webstagram to view the photos there too. Hope to see you all on instagram!