This season we decided to give the website a whole new look, have you noticed?
The amazing Emma, in her new job role, has been taking many photos of all our new stock, deep etching them and then adding a cute background. Our clothing page now looks super pretty:
This process is a lot more time consuming and tedious but I am sure you will agree that the website looks far prettier! A big thank you goes out to Emma for being such a perfectionist!!
We also have a new character on our home page:
This season our deer mannequin features with our new Black Cardy, Roomance Skirt and Red Basic Tee, yay!
I am horribly biased but I think we have one of the best websites around, this is all thanks to the amazing duo of white pixels as well as Emma and Kelly who spend hours loading up products, facebooking and blogging. This is a side to the business that a lot of people don’t see how much work goes into and that I love because the magic elves just make it happen
Over the last 7 years Made590 is extremely lucky to have had the best staff ever, I am honored to have and continue to work with such lovely, hardworking girls. They have all put up with all my stresses, 2 pregnancies/babies, tradeshows, the launch of the mega wholesale business and oh how the list goes on….. I hope you love the Made590 girls as much as me!! Christina xx
You’re welcome – I love my new role!
x e